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Lawnmower maintenance is the key to keeping your equipment running and in top condition for longer. In this post by AMSOIL: Mooresville Synthetic Oil in Mooresville, NC, we’ll cover how to do so. 

Even though tools like lawn mowers are easy to operate, they are complex machines that require care and maintenance from time to time. Let’s dive into the steps you need to take to have your lawn mower working correctly for longer.

Lawn mower maintenance is an easy way to extend the useable life of your equipment. Call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212 for the best advice on your tool and vehicle maintenance products. Place an order today on AMSOIL’s online shop 24/7.

First, Be Safe

When doing any type of maintenance on your lawn mower, it’s essential to first take out the spark plug to avoid any injuries or accidents caused by moving blades or other parts in the engine. This is a necessary step that should always be taken before starting your lawn mower maintenance routine.

Clean It Often

Cleaning your lawn mower is the most recurrent step you’ll need to take to keep your mower in good shape. The reason is that grass or dirt can damage the blades and engine if it stays in it for too long. Pieces of grass and dirt usually hold humidity which can cause corrosion. When you clean it, it’s the perfect moment to see if the blades are dull or worn to sharpen or replace them as needed.

Change the Oil

Like any other engine, the engine in your lawn mower requires oil to keep it running correctly and protect it from premature wear. Lawn mowers require oil changes every five hours of use, so it’s essential to keep tabs on how long it's been since your last one and also keep an eye on the oil’s cleanliness. For more information on how often to change the oil and what oil is best for your lawn mower, check your owner’s manual.

Clean the Air Filter

After changing the oil, the next step is cleaning the air filter. As in any engine, the air filter is essential in your lawn mower's functioning as it traps dirt and debris so it won’t reach your engine. The type of filter your mower uses will depend on how often you’ll need to change it. Paper-based filters require you to change it as soon as it clogs up, while foam-based ones can be washed and reused. Keep an eye on your filter and clean or change it as necessary to ensure your lawn mower’s proper functioning.

Sharpen the Blades

One essential component of your lawn mower is its blades. The blades need to be sharp enough to cut through grass efficiently; that’s why sharpening them is so important. If not sharpened often, they won’t cut cleanly through grass, so you’ll need to go over it several times or live with a patchy lawn. Sharpening the blades can be done at home, or you can take them to a service center to get them sharpened professionally.

Maintaining your lawn mower’s engine is essential to keep it running for longer. For the best products and advice, call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212, and one of their friendly oil pros will help you choose the best ones for your engine.

Change the Spark Plug

The next step is to change the spark plug on your lawn mower. A faulty spark plug means that the lawn mower won’t start, so keeping it in good shape is essential. Spark plugs have around 100 hours of us in them and are a common reason for lawn mowers having difficulty starting. If this is the case, swap it out for a new one. It’s also a good idea to keep a spare one on hand to change it in a pinch. Safety tip: When changing the spark plug, ensure your lawn ower’s blades are facing down to avoid accidents.

How to Store Your Lawn Mower

Lastly, one thing that can keep your equipment in good shape for longer is to store it correctly. The best way to store it is somewhere safe from the elements and with a breathable lawn mower cover to avoid moisture from accumulating in the engine. As mentioned, cleaning it before putting it away is also essential to keeping it in good shape.

Keep your lawn mower in good condition with these tips and by using excellent products like AMSOIL’s Gasoline Stabilizer. Call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212 or place your order in AMSOIL’s online shop anytime.