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One of the main safety features of your car is its windshield; that’s why Mooresville Synthetic Oil in Mooresville put together a series of windshield care tips to help you keep it in good condition for longer. 

An essential part of your vehicle’s maintenance routine is windshield care. Mooresville Synthetic Oil is an excellent option for finding the best products to care for your vehicle. Call them at (336) 247-0212 and speak with an oil pro to decide what products would work best for your engine, and don’t forget you can place your order 24/7 in AMSOIL’s online shop.

Everyday Windshield Care

Everyday care for your windshield is essential to keep it in good condition for longer. Here are three things you can do regularly to avoid scratches and issues in the long run.

Clean it Regularly

The first step to having a functional windshield is to clean it regularly. Windshields need little maintenance to stay in top condition, so washing it every two weeks is the best way to avoid dirt and grime from clouding it. If you want to learn how to best clean your windshield, keep reading this post.

Check Your Windshield Wipers

Another key way to keep your windshield from getting scratched is to check your windshield wipers regularly. Windshield wipers tend to dry out; if they’re too dry, they could damage your windshield. Once your wipers have dried out, your best option is to swap them out for new ones.

Stay at Least 10 Feet Away from Cargo Trucks

Have you seen those signs on cargo trucks telling you to drive at least 10 feet away from them? This is because sometimes cargo like gravel can fly off and damage your windshield. Usually, insurance companies cover this type of damage, but it’s best to try and avoid the hassle.

Removing Ice, Snow, and Sand

Depending on where you live or the season, you might encounter snow, ice, or sand on your windshield. Here is how to approach them without damaging your windshield:
  • Ice: Use an ice scraper by dragging it in the same direction each time. If the ice doesn’t budge, use a bit of antifreeze spray to help you out.
  • Snow: Avoid turning on your wipers; instead, use a soft bristle brush to remove it.
  • Sand: If you have a small air compressor, use it to blow the sand off your windshield. If not, throw some water on top of it to remove the sand.

Keeping your windshield in good shape is easy with products like AMSOIL’s Glass Cleaner. Call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212 for this and many other excellent products for your vehicle maintenance. Once you’re ready, place an order at AMSOIL’s online shop anytime.

How to Safely Clean Your Windshield

First, Remove the Residue

Getting dirt, debris and bugs stuck on your windshield is probably a daily occurrence of your commute. It’s also a side effect of parking your car outdoors. That’s why you should spend an extra minute or two in the morning cleaning your windshield before starting your day. This way, you’ll ensure perfect visibility on your drive.

Use Soap and Water

If dirt or grime doesn’t come off with a simple wipe, it might be time to involve soap and water. This will help dissolve the grease and allow you to clean up your windshield quickly. If soap and water don’t do the trick, add a non-corrosive degreaser to your water and soap mix to help you with tough, greasy grime. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it off with a clean, wet cloth.

Options for Tough Substances

If you’re battling a tougher substance on your windshield, another option is to use a bit of hot water, making sure it doesn’t exceed 120 degrees, to loosen it up. Once you’ve let the hot water act, scrub the substance with a soft bristle brush or clean cloth in a circular motion to get it all out.

Wipe it With Soft Fabrics

Always use soft fabrics like microfiber when cleaning your windshield to avoid scratches. Also, ensure that the cloth is dirt-free, as even small particles could scratch your windshield.

Use Non-Stick Products as Prevention

Lastly, a good idea is to use non-stick products as a preventive measure. These products are designed to prevent dust, insects, and frost from adhering to your windshield and make it easier to clean.

A better working vehicle is possible with the proper maintenance routine and products. If you have any questions, call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212, and one of their oil pros will answer your questions. If you want to see AMSOIL’s full range of products, visit their online shop today!