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High Point, Greensboro & Mooresville, NC


Ensuring everyone is safe is one of your vital responsibilities as a boat owner. That’s why Mooresville Synthetic Oil in Mooresville, NC, put together this list of safety items to keep in a boat, so you’re prepared for your next trip. 

Boating season is just around the corner, and as a boat owner, it’s essential that you’re prepared for your next adventure. Having the proper safety items on board means that you’ll have everything you need for different scenarios. Let’s go over a few things you should have on your boat for your next relaxing day out on the lake.

For everyone’s safety, one thing you should always do is give your boat proper maintenance. The oil experts at Mooresville Synthetic Oil can advise you about the best products to use on your boat. Give them a call at (336) 247-0212 for advice on the best products for boat maintenance. Once you’re ready to place an order, visit their online store.

In Case of Emergency

It’s vital to have safety items on hand in case of an emergency onboard. Here are some that we suggest you carry on your boat:

Whistles, Flares, and Bells

In case of emergency, it’s essential to have things onboard that will help you bring attention to your vessel. When out on the water, it’s always best to get help from nearby vessels, at least until official ships can reach you. Having whistles, flares, and bells are excellent ways to get their attention quickly. They’re also helpful if your communication devices fail.

Life Jackets and Throw Rings for Everyone

Life jackets and throw rings are essential when out on the water. Consider that you should have enough for everyone on board. The National Park Service suggests you and your passengers all wear life jackets at all times while on the water in case someone happens to go overboard. Lastly, throw rings can be used if someone who isn’t a strong swimmer goes overboard or needs rescuing.

Medical Equipment and Medicine

Medical equipment and primary medicine are also essential if someone gets injured or feels sick. It’s vital to check your equipment and medicine before each outing, ensuring that it’s in good condition and that the medication you’ve packed hasn’t expired. Some basics to pack are seasickness medicine, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, antiseptics, gauze, bandages, scissors, and adhesive tape.

Fire Extinguishers

Having several fire extinguishers on board can also be helpful in an emergency. Even if you’re in the middle of a body of water, a fire could start on your boat, so it’s a good idea to have enough onboard. Remember that fire extinguishers should have maintenance every few months, so keep an eye on the tags and check them before your next outing.

Having safety items on board is one way of staying safe; the other is having a regular boat maintenance routine. Call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212, or visit their online store to place an order on the top-quality products for boat maintenance like AMSOIL’s 10W-30 Synthetic Marine Engine Oil.

Drinkable Water and Non-Perishable Food

Being on a boat on a sunny day can be very tiring, and depending on how long you plan to be on board, you should pack drinkable water and non-perishable food accordingly. Ensure you have enough for everyone onboard to stay hydrated and well-fed.

Navigation Tools

To navigate bodies of water, it’s helpful to have navigation tools on board. You could also use some traditional techniques like celestial navigation, but having modern devices can be much quicker and more accurate. Having a map and a compass is also essential if your electronic tools fail.

Communication Devices

Communication devices are also an essential safety tool on board. You should be able to communicate with land or emergency services quickly. Everyone on board, even children, should know how to use emergency communication devices. These tools could be marine radios or cellphones and should be fully charged at all times.

Paddles and Anchor

Depending on the size of your vessel, having paddles can help you get back to land if your engine fails. Having an anchor can also help you if you need to stay in one spot and prevent your boat from moving with the current.

Other Useful Items

There are other items that you can find useful while on a boat. While these might not be for emergencies, they can make your trip more comfortable. Some you should pack are a lighter, windbreakers, blankets, extra towels, and aloe vera in case of sunburns.

Have safe trips on your boat by keeping your engine in the best condition. Call Mooresville Synthetic Oil at (336) 247-0212, or visit AMSOIL’s online store to order the best synthetic oil in Mooresville, NC.